Marvelous Designer Asymmetrical Jacket
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Download the Marvelous Designer jacket project file.
One of my YouTube subscribers, Anton Glukhovsky, asked if I would do a tutorial on asymmetrical patterns in Marvelous Designer. I asked him if he had a particular design in mind and he was kind enough to provide an image. Originally, I was going to create the garment he provided by reverse engineering it in Marvelous Designer. Unfortunately, that didn't work out, but I was able to use the image as inspiration in designing another jacket that I rebuilt in the tutorial.
The tutorial goes over how to turn a regular two piece front into an asymmetrical design. It also shows how you can insert and 'extra' panel of fabric for layering. There is a rather strange collar involved in the jacket design, and I show how to make virtually any collar shape using your existing pattern pieces.
I used the stock MD4 avatar, so you can fit the garment properly and play around with it. If you want to see any other types of tutorials, just let me know.